This Is Getting Graphic

Mean Marlow (Mystic Comics #6)

Episode Summary

Guten tag, meine freunden! Venture back with us to the halcyon days of the Golden Age with one of Marvel's classic WWII superheroes, THE DESTROYER! When milquetoast reporter Keen Marlow is sent seemingly against his will to Nazi Germany, he just can't help but get arrested and tortured. But with the help of a dead professor who's dead, he acquires a scientific formula that transforms him into a Nazi butt-kicking machine. Huh... all he needs is a shield, I guess. Will the Destroyer survive behind enemy lines? Will Herr Frederick ever get to cut his head off? And are those two poor guards in a Saw trap? Find out on this week's episode of DIS IST GETTINK GRAPHIC!

Episode Notes

Guten tag, meine freunden! Venture back with us to the halcyon days of the Golden Age with one of Marvel's classic WWII superheroes, THE DESTROYER! When milquetoast reporter Keen Marlow is sent seemingly against his will to Nazi Germany, he just can't help but get arrested and tortured. But with the help of a dead professor who's dead, he acquires a scientific formula that transforms him into a Nazi butt-kicking machine. Huh... all he needs is a shield, I guess. Will the Destroyer survive behind enemy lines? Will Herr Frederick ever get to cut his head off? And are those two poor guards in a Saw trap? Find out on this week's episode of DIS IST GETTINK GRAPHIC!

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