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The Good, the Bad, and the RASSIN' FRASSIN' Ugly (Jonah Hex/Yosemite Sam Special #1)

Episode Summary

REACH FOR THE SKY, PARTNER! It's time for a western starring one of DC's greatest bounty hunters, Jonah Hex... and also a couple of Looney Tunes characters. Yes. Really. When Yosemite Sam (YES, THAT ONE) strikes it rich by finding a mine full of gold, he needs somebody to help protect his claim... enter Jonah Hex, the greatest bounty hunter in the Old West! But can even Jonah protect this cartoon character from a marauding gang of circus folk? Who knew Sam was such a fantastic shot? And what does "pugilate" mean? Find out in this episode!

Episode Notes

REACH FOR THE SKY, PARTNER! It's time for a western starring one of DC's greatest bounty hunters, Jonah Hex... and also a couple of Looney Tunes characters. Yes. Really. When Yosemite Sam (YES, THAT ONE) strikes it rich by finding a mine full of gold, he needs somebody to help protect his claim... enter Jonah Hex, the greatest bounty hunter in the Old West! But can even Jonah protect this cartoon character from a marauding gang of circus folk? Who knew Sam was such a fantastic shot? And what does "pugilate" mean? Find out in this episode!

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